Thursday, October 29, 2009


(Approx.) The eighth most popular, practiced, religion in the world. With about 13.3 million people following this religion to this day.

In c. 1300 B.C. Abraham founded the religion of Judaism in Mesopotamia. (Above is Davids Star and a Hanukkahs Menorah)

Number of Disciples & Locations in the World
About 0.22% of the world today are Jews. And the majority of them are located in Israel, Europe and the U.S.A.

Holy Readings/Religious Texts
Their holy readings and religious texts consist of the Torah, the Tanakh and the Old Testament from the Bible.

Religious Celebrations/ Holidays
The major holidays of Judaism is Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), Sukkot (the festival of Booths), Hanukkah, Tu B'Shevat (the New Year for Trees) and the Pesach Passover.

Religious Customs
The Jewish rituals are birth ceremonies, circumcision for the boys, on their eighth day of life, marriage ceremonies and death mourning.
(Above is the Jewish symbol Davids Star)
Special Religious Dress
Jews normally wear quite normal clothes (pants, and a t-shirt), but for certain religious ceremonies they wear things like a prayer shawl, white robes, a kipa (clothing you must wear to enter a synagogue), and a garb (traditional Jewish wear).

Highest Positions
In Jewish culture they answer to the president, the council, and the rabbi.

Jews are a part of a monotheism belief, which means that they believe in one God of whom they worship. Christianity, the worlds most popular religion, was actually developed from Judaism. The difference is that Christians believe that Jesus Christ (0 B.C.- 33B.C.) was (and is) the Messiah, but Jews believe the messiah is still yet to come.


  1. I really like how you placed your pictures and how the whole page is set up. I'm doing a post on Judaism too, and I think you might want to go into a little bit more detail on the Holidays.
